Sociolinguistic research-01


1.1 Background.
Sundanese language is a language that can used by ± 30 million people and represented the second greatest language in Indonesia after Javanese language. Based on the historical of culture, Sundanese language also used in Banten province especially in southeast area in this province, mostly region of West Java province (except Pantura that represented region of urban where a few of people use Sundanese language). Besides that, Sundanese language also used until river Pamali (Cipamali) in Brebes, Central Java province, even until southern region includes district Cilacap, Central Java province.
Dialect (basa wewengkon) of Sundanese language are immeasurable, like dialect of Sunda-Banten, until dialect of Sunda-Central Java that have mixed on Javanese language. All language expert usually differentiates six dialect that has different characteristic, these are :
• West dialect
• North dialect
• South dialect
• Middle-east dialect
• East-north dialect
• Southeast dialect
West dialect of Sundanese language is used in south Banten. North dialect of Sundanese language is used in north area of West Java province include Bogor city and some city in Pantura region. South dialect of Sundanese language is called Priangan dialect include Bandung city and its surrounding. While middle-east dialect of Sundanese language is used in Majalengka and its surrounding. East-north dialect of Sundanese language is used in Kuningan and some place in district Brebes, Central Java province, and southeast dialect is used in Ciamis and its surrounding.
Majalengka is one of district in West Java province. It has geographical position at northside abuted on district Indramayu, at Westside abuted on district Subang and Sumedang, at southside abuted on district Ciamis and Kuningan, and at eastside abuted on district Cirebon.
According to data from BPS in 2010, 94 % people in Majalengka has mother-language Sundanese (henceforth shorten by SL). But, SL that used in region Majalengka has different dialect, based on the explanation from language expert, that is middle-east dialect of Sundanese language. Usage Majalengka-sundanese language (henceforth shorten by MSL) at least was used as means of communication since the early 15th century. Because has near relationship with district Cirebon that used Cirebon-Javanese language (henceforth shorten by CJL), hence MSL cannot protected from influenced CJL, its generally in fonologi and vocabulary.
In fonologi, generally MSL is not differentiate with lulugu Sundanese language (henceforth shorten by LSL). But, because in geographical position located in place that can used CJL, hence this research about MSL interesting to research and made a scientific research report.
1.2 Problems.
1.2.1 Scope of problem.
To clarify scope of problem, hence in this research only explain about usage Sundanese language in borderland region Majalengka-Cirebon, and the differences between Lulugu Sundanese language.
1.2.2 Formulated of problem.
From scope of problem that explain above, it can be formulated of problem in this research as follow:
a) What kind of Sundanese language that used by people in borderland region Majalengka-Cirebon ?
b) What is the differences between Sundanese language that used by Majalengka people and Lulugu Sundanese language ?
c) How the process create word in Sundanese language at borderland of Majalengka and Cirebon ?
1.3 Target of research.
Generally, target of this research is to know about usage Sundanese language in borderland between district Majalengka and Cirebon, target of research as follow:
a) To know kind of Sundanese language that used by people in borderland region Majalengka-Cirebon.
b) To know the differences between Sundanese language that used by Majalengka people and Lulugu Sundanese language.
c) To know and explain process create word in Sundanese language at borderland of Majalengka and Cirebon.


2.1 Dialect.
The terminology of dialect that represent from synonym usually discussion in linguistic. It is because of fact that linguistic has more developed in Europe than other countries, and in every terminology almost always refer to Latin language or Greek Civilization as the characteristic scientific. The terminology dialect is come from word of Greece “dialektos”, in the begining it used there to relation with condition of language. In Greece there are small differences in language that can use by people, but in such away that mentioned didn’t has feeling different language.
The differences that mentioned above didn’t prevented their for whole to feel has one common language. Because of that, the main characteristic of dialect is the differences in unity, and unity in differences. There are two example of dialect, (1) dialect is a set of form local utterances which can different, that has a general characteristic and each more like one unity than form and other utterances from common language, and (2) dialect didn’t take all of form of utterances from a language.
In developed language, then one of the dialect that have equal positioned, little by little can be received as standard language by all region which use that dialect caused by some factor, sucjective and also objective. Factors that determined enthronement a dialect to be standar language is relation with condition of politic, culture, and economy. In these process, medium clan has meritorious because they have good education and understand about their culture and language.
2.2 Dialect geography.
Dialect geography is branch of dialectology that concern learning relation in varian of language, with convergent to set of room or place in varian of language. Thereby, dialect geography still have good relation with linguistic, that also learning relation in varian of language.
From the history of his native dialect, it turns out that geography is a further development of one branch of comparative linguistics. What distinguishes it is that if the comparative linguistics in his conclusions usually refers to the ancient language that often exists. Dialect geography presents issues related to the use of language elements examined during the research conducted. From the history of language, dialect geography is one of more developed from linguistic.
In the effort to obtain satisfactory results, research each dialect geography at least, must be based on two things: (1) close observation and equal to the research area, and (2) the material must be comparable each other, and information related to the reality-the reality is collected with the rules and the same way. For this can be achieved, it is important means prepare a list of questions whose answers obtained in each place the research was done.
2.3 Distinguishing dialect.
In general, people assume that a language is very closely related to the state of nature, ethnic, and political situation in the regions concerned. Therefore, in an attempt to determine the boundaries of any use of a language, it is usually based on these realities. dialect at all, so does. So, according to this insight, the development of a language or dialect is very dependent on the history of the area concerned.
Every variety of languages used in a particular area, and gradually formed a linguistic elements different also, as in pronunciation, grammar language, and spatial sense, and every variety of uses one particular form.
At the level of dialect, those differences in the outline can be divided into five types, five kinds of differences is :
1) Phonetic differences, polymorphisms, or alofonik. This difference was in the field of phonology, and usually the wearer dialect or language in question was not aware of these differences.
2) difference in semantics, namely the creation of new words, according to phonological changes and shift shapes. In the event usually occurs shift the meaning of the word. Shift is related to the two patterns, for example giving different names for the same sign, and giving the same name for different things in different places.
3) The difference onamasiologis showing a different name based on a concept which is given in several different places.
4) The difference semasiologis which is the inverse of the difference onamasiologis, ie giving the same name for several different concepts.
5) morphological differences are limited by a system of grammar is concerned, by the frequency of different morphemes, by its use that are related, by the phonetic form, by the taste, and by a number of other factors again.
All these support the understanding of the birth of an innovation. Therefore, in the innovation of language, must distinguish two stages, namely the creation of a personal nature, and acceptance by the public language is a social reality.


3.1 Kinds of research.
The method used in this research is descriptive method. This method describes a variety of information gained from research. In addition, researchers also fell directly into the field, so the researchers the opportunity to observe, record, listen, record, and collect other testimonies that are not in the list of questions and can expect to complete the material. Matters relating to indigenous traditions, socio-cultural circumstances, and environment in research, will be observed with better
3.2 Subject of research.
The subject of this research is the village of Lojikobong, Bongas Kulon Village, Bongas Wetan Village, and other Village when they doing everyday conversations. Lojikobong Village, Bongas Kulon Village, and Bongas Wetan Village is located in District Sumberjaya Majalengka, while the other Village is a village located in District Palasah, Majalengka.
3.3 Data of research.
Data from this research is a word derived from the research through a list of questions to the public when using the MSL in everyday conversations. From the results of this data is then created such a table that contains the vocabulary MSL.
3.4 Instrument of research.
Researchers called as when researchers act as the main instrument. In this study, the researcher served as principal investigator.. In the gathering of research material, aided by a fellow researcher named Ajat Sudrajat, an elementary school teacher in District Sumberjaya.
3.5 Technique of collecting data.
Data collection was performed in this study is the observation technique as the main technique. Observations made with refer to note, the researchers recorded the language and context data that includes the use of the word in a sentence that conversation. In collecting data for research materials, researchers are relatively not that significant obstacles to reach it. This is because the researcher has resided since 1995 in a village in meticulous (Lojikobong village), while the other 3 villages studied were Bongas Kulon Village, Bongas Wetan Village, and other Village is also relatively familiar to researchers because they are neighboring villages in everyday society has long established a communication that allows an interaction, at least in commercial relationships.
3.6 Technique of analysis data.
Descriptive techniques used in this study resulted in three kinds of data analysis, is as follows :
1) Write down the vocabulary used MSL from the village community which includes the use of MSL to research. The context contained in such communications, and the relationship between linguistic elements contained in the public conversation.
2) Grouping of MSL based on the form and pronunciation, which includes verbal linguistic form, and the process of word formation and pronunciation


4.1 List of transcript in MSL Conversation.

- Lawang (MSL) : Eti, bukakön lawangna.
- Capö (MSL) : Dina usum katiga mah, loba nu mêlak capö.
- Salaki, rubiah (MSL) : Barudak jaman ayöna mah, bobogohan teh gös kawas
salaki jöng rubiah.
- Kedung (MSL) : Ulah sok ngebak töing ka kedung bisi palid.
- Kagugu (MSL) : Kami mah sok kagugu bae ari inget kör lötik teh.
- Meong (MSL) : Ulah poho tutupkön döi lawangna bisi meong asup.
- Rek kaendi (MSL) : Manêh rek kaendi ?
- Kawali (MSL) : Icih, pang candakön kawali di pawon.
- Gendeng (MSL) : Eman, pang poekön opak ka gêndêng.
- Guludug (MSL) : Dina bulan ka salapan mah sok loba guludug.
- Bebek (MSL) : Bi saminah mah boga bebek salikur.
- Baujan (MSL) : Ayöna mah tangkal baujan ge aya duitan.
- Cuing (MSL) : Urang Mirat mah biasana loba daragang cuing.
- Manis (MSL) : Pöyöm ketan mah löwih manis tinimbang pöyöm capo.
- Pinci (MSL) : Ari gös saröpna mah ulah ulin pinci töing.
- danas (MSL) : Kami mah hayang möli danas.
- tiung (MSL) : Budak nu make tiung biru kabogoh kami.
- ngagoes (MSL) : Mang Ulis mah ngagoes beca teh mani sataker kebek.
- bandara (MSL) : Kami mah hayang dahar jöng bandara.
- budeg (MSL) : Pa Luk mah budeg, jadi kudu tarik bae lamun ngobrol
- bangor (MSL) : Si Emen mah make kongkorong, kawas budak bangor
- edan (MSL) : Loba TKW nu baralik ka Indonesia jadi edan.
- dedewekan (MSL) : Bayar daharna dedewekan bae nya.
- sabrang (MSL) : Rega sabrang böröm ayöna gös nerekel naek.
4.2 List of vocabulary.
No English Lulugu Sundanese Language (LSL) Majalengka Sundanese Language (MSL)
1 door Panto Lawang, panto
2 wife Bojo Rubiah
3 husband Caroge Salaki
4 river Löwi Kedung
5 funny Hayang söri Kagugu
6 cat Ucing Meong
7 Where are you going ? Bade kamantên ? Rek kaendi ?
8 dixie Katel Kawali
9 roof Kênteng Gêndeng
10 deaf Conge Budêg, torek
11 Albasia Kihujan Baujan
12 Cingcau Camcauh Cuwing
13 naughty Baong Bangor
14 duck Mêri Bebek
15 sweet Amis Manis
16 crazzy Palung Edan
17 alone Nyalira Dedewêkan
18 marbles Kaleci Pinci
19 chilli Cengek Sabrang
20 cassava Sampö Capö
21 thunder Gelap Guludug
22 pineapple Ganas Danas

4.3 language in borderland between district Majalengka and Cirebon.
From the list of vocabulary such as in the table above, the actual difference between LSL and MSL with relatively not so much different. The differences that occur in the vocabulary and phonology MSL is mainly due to the influence of other languages, such as CJL, English, Dutch, and old Sundanese language (OSL).
From the example vocabulary No.20 (see table) "Cassava (English)", "Sampö (MSL)", and "Capö", clearly shows the stages of renewal that word can be traced based on analysis of etymology. Plants originating from Brazil was known by the name cassave, which in Cirebon area was still visible on the familiar sign kasapö. From sign kasapö it apparently occurred in the first stage so that it becomes kacapo, and from both sign it possible together in the life of each place so that the removal of known sign sapö and capö. From sign sapo later emerged last renewal shampoo is also recognized as a vocabulary MSL. While the sign capo words appear renewal or capu recognized as vocabulary CJL. Capu own words later became the vocabulary CJL.
From the example vocabulary no.1 "The door (English)", "Panto (MSL)", "Lawang, panto (MSL). It looks not so much the difference between the LSL with the MSL. However, the use of the word, between the MSL with a slight difference LSL use of the word. The word "panto" in the MSL means a door that has a door, in the instance entrance to the cave that has no door, the words used in the MSM is the word "lawang". While the word "door " in MSL has doors or not, the vocabulary used is still one word that is "lawang" or "panto".
Examples of vocabulary MSL No.6 (meong), no.14 (bebek), and no.21 (guludug) is a MSL vocabulary which most likely is the result of the process to make the sound (onamatopea). When compared with the vocabulary in the LSL (Ucing, meri, and gelap), there will be a difference that is quite astonishing. The word "meong" in the LSL means the tiger, while the MSL "meong" means cat, in LSL word for cat is "ucing". But the word "meong" in MSL, which means cats are not derived from the word "meong" in the MSL, which means tiger. Given at the CJL unknown sign "meong" for cats and tigers, then it is probable that the word "meong" in the MSL is not from CJL, but it is a process to make the sound (onamatopea). Likewise with the word "bebek" and "guludug" It seems clear from both a vocabulary derived from the process of imitating the sound.
Example No. 9 {vocabulary Kenteng (LSL), Gendeng (MSL)}, { No.11, Kihujan (LSL), Baujan (MSL)}, {no.12, Camcauh (LSL), Cuwing (MSL)}, {No.9 Amis (MSM), manis (MSL)}, {No.18 Pinci (LSL), Kaleci (MSL)}, No. 25 {ganas (LSL), Danas (MSL)}, and are just different phonologically with the vocabulary in the MSM. So the two are not too much different meaning from those words. Phonological differences as in the word "danas" (MSL) and "ganas" (MSM) do not matter and not reviewed more information. This is because the process changes that impact on different word from the phonological side of the second word does not alter or destroy the meaning of the word in question.
Example No.2 vocabulary { Bojo (LSL), Rubiah (MSL)}, {No.4, Löwi (LSL), Kedung (MSL)}, {No.7, Hayang Söri (LSL), Kagugu (MSL)}, {No.15, Conge (MSM), budeg, torek (MSL)}, {No.13, Baong (LSL), Bangor (MSL)}, {No.15), Amis (LSL), manis (MSL)}, no. 16 {gelo (LSL), Edan (MSL)}, {No.17 Nyalira (LSL), Dedewêkan (MSL)}, Totopong (MSL)}, {No.19, Cengek (LSL), Sabrang (MSL)}, is the vocabulary MSL already get influence by CJL. In a few words like rubiah (MSL) - pamajikan (LSL) appears to have influence in the formation of the word "rubiah" that the CJL is the equivalent of saying "rabi", from the origin of the word "rabi" in CJL then grow and form a new word that likes sundanese namely "rubiah ". Examples of other words that is the influence of CJL elements which later developed into a new word that likes sundanese also seen in the word "budeg (MSL)" which is the vocabulary or at least used in areas that use the CJL. CJL influenced process of SL was only up to the 4 villages studied by the researchers and their effects do not come into the central region Majalengka, because in areas other Majalengka word "anonymous" is not so familiar. They (Maja, Cikijing, Majalengka, Cigasong, Talaga) generally only recognize equivalent word "torek".
In conclusion, language that used in borderland district Majalengka and Cirebon are Sundanese language that was influenced by Cirebon Javanese language, or in other words, it is called Sundanese langauge dialect middle-east.
4.4 The difference between the MSL with the LSL.
Generally not too much fundamental difference between the MSL with the MSM. Basically between MSL and MSM is in one sense of meaning, so between the two languages is still no word linkage. Differences among others :
Semantic differences, namely the creation of new words based on phonological change and shift shapes.. Shift was related to the two patterns, namely Giving a different sign for sign the same in different places like the word "gëndëng (MSL)” and “Kënteng (MSM)”. "The slider feature is commonly known as a synonym or equivalent words. Granting the same sign for different signs in some places. As in the word "bebek and Meri. "The slider is generally known as a homonym or “samawanda”. Differences “kesamawawasan” or onomasiologis that shows a different sign according to an insight that is given in several different places. As in the word "ulëman and ondangan". This is obviously due to the existence of different interpretations or responses regarding attendance at the invitation. Differences “kebedawawasan” or semasiologis which is the inverse of the difference “kesamawawasan”, is giving the same sign for some different insights. Morphological differences, which is limited by the system of language is concerned, by the frequency of different morpheme, the phonetic form, and by a number of other factors anymore. All that support the birth of a renewal or innovation. Therefore, in the renewal of language must be distinguished between two stages, namely the creation of a personal nature, and acceptance by the public language is a social reality.
4.5 The process of development linguistic on MSL.
The development language MSL used by the public Majalengka on the border with the region that use CJL, ultimately will affect in terms of language MSL, although it was not significant. At least from the vocabulary of data can result in a few words in the MSL but not used in the vocabulary of LSL. This is because factors usage undak-usuk in language not too overlooked in the conversation MSL compared with the use of LSL.

Both the linguistic factors or factors outside of the language is crucial in the growth and development of language MSL. Natural state, for example, affect the movement of local residents, both in facilitating population to communicate with the outside world, as well as reducing the possibility.
In addition, the occurrence of various kinds of linguistic communities is mainly caused by the existence of the relationship and the benefits of languages that are carried in the event of invasion, or occupation. This is can seen from the word "pit (MSL)" which if traced etymologically it will meet with the vocabulary in Dutch "fiet" which has the same meaning that is bikes. Who do not also forgotten is the role of language in the process of speaking, in which elements contained elements of words, structure and pronunciation or pronunciation.


The language used by the community of Majalengka, east-northern part bordering the district of Cirebon is Sundanese. But the language used by people in the border area has its own distinct dialect in the selection of vocabulary with the languages that are considered standard of lulugu Sundanese language. In its development, which by the Sundanese language experts classified into Sundanese dialect of middle-east into a language that has the accent and dialect style Majalengka or logat Majalengka known by the Sundanese language.
The type of difference between the Sunda language dialect Majelengka is in terms of phonological, for example the difference in phonology. Semantics, namely with the creation of new words based on phonological change and shift shapes. Onomasiologis; that shows a different sign according to an insight that is given in several different places. Semasiologis, which is the inverse of the difference onomasiologis, giving the same sign for some insight different.morfologis, which is limited by a system of grammar is concerned, by the frequency of different morpheme, the phonetic form, and by a number of other factors again.
Linguistic factors and factors outside of the language is crucial in the growth and development of language MSL. Natural state, for example, affect the movement of local residents, both in facilitating population to communication with the outside world, as well as reducing the possibility. In addition, the occurrence of various kinds of linguistic communities-is mainly caused by the existence of the relationship and the benefits of foreign languages such as Arabic, Mandarin, and the Dutch who then formed the pattern of words or phrases in Sundanese language fused to form a vocabulary in Sundanese Majelengka style.


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